He's Not In Love With Me Anymore.

by Rev Maery Garner

After 28 years of marriage, we came home from our college reunion and he told me he loves me, but is not in love with me and hasn't been for 14 years.

He is sleeping with an old girlfriend.

I am praying, but I am a mess. We have 2 children- one first year college, one college graduate first year working. It's all so sad.

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Sep 27, 2014
There Is Help For You, Maery.
by: Osita

Rev. Maery, your case is really sad and disappointing, but not impossible to change.
I like to remind you of the the scripture in Matthew 19:26 "...but with God all things are possible." And also in Mark 9:23, "...if you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes."

My suggestion is this: PRAY. Don't ever give up on what is yours, no matter who is keeping it from you. God can upturn things in your favor, if you'll keep praying and BELIEVING! See Luke 18:1.

Your husband will fall in love with you again (and return to you fully), by the the hand of God that turns the hearts of men.(Proverbs 21:1).

Please don't give up. Take the prayer points again and keep praying them. I will join you here. There is tremendous power prayer in continuous prayer of the righteous (James 5: 16)

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