Husband Has Affairs With Several Men.

by Esther
(South Africa)

When I married my husband I didn't know he had feelings for men until we had our first baby. I found a text from one pastor he visited and realised that they slept together. I was so hurt and broken.

We went for counselling at his pastor's place but he didn't change. He hid his other texts with other men from social media until one night the LORD showed me in a dream that something is wrong.

A couple of days later I found out he slept with another guy. I forgave him again and continued with the marriage. I recently found out that he was exchanging nude pics with some guy on whatsaap. I asked him about it and he didnt deny it. He told me he needs help and how the whole thing started. He told me he was sexually abused as a young boy by two of his step father's brothers.

I really love my husband I want him to get help. Please advice on how to pray for him

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Nov 27, 2017
Prayer Changes Shameful Situations In Marriage.
by: Osita

Hi Esther, I have sent you a private mail on how we can start to pray for him and your marriage. God answers prayers.

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