My Husband Controlled By His Mother's Witchcraft To Have Affair

by Gaironiesa
(Cape Town, South Africa)

I'm in need of urgent help please, Pastor.

We are married for 3 months now but we've been together for almost 5 years. His parents have never accepted our marriage. They hate me and they threatened they will break us apart.They use witch craft and they succeeding.

My husband has moved out of our house and moved in with his mother. He is like a robot that does everything they tell him to do. He told me over the phone that he misses me and wants to come home but something keeps him from coming.

He wants a meeting with my family because he wants a divorce. Please help me to pray for God to break these people's evil plots and plans,to scatter us. My life is falling apart, please help us.

My husband looks like a walking corpse.He is under their evil spell. Please pray to break the evil chains that's keeping my husband hostage in his mothers house. God I pray that you open my husbands eyes so that he can see what these evil people are doing. Lord I pray that you release my husband and send my husband home to me. My in-laws also gave my husband a woman. My husband is openly having an affair with that woman.

Please pray for separation between my husband and that woman. I'm in tears everyday, please help me.

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Mar 06, 2018
Prayer to Break Every Influence of Witchcraft On Your Husband.
by: Osita

There is tremendous power in prayers to cancel all the works of witchcraft, recover your husband and heal your marriage.

Let me guide you to win back your husband and save your marriage through targeted prayers.
We'll pray with you and counsel you until your succeed.

To start, sign on to the free ‘Get Prayer Help Now!' from the right side of our website
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