My Husband Indulges In Several Online Affairs.

by Jackie
(Quezon City, Philippines)

A few days ago, I discovered my husband had numerous online affairs. He also planned (again) one night stand on his ex-girlfriend, who use to be the reason why we nearly didn't get married because he got her pregnant. There's also an old acquaintance whom he was having cybersex with and so on.

We have a daughter and I am pregnant now for my second child and will give birth to a baby boy 3 weeks from now. It really breaks my heart upon discovering this. He claimed to be only experimenting and fooling them around. He also complained that I nosing around him.

I have been weeping and praying for him to stop his immoral ways. Please include me in your prayers to bring him back to God.

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Nov 07, 2015
Your Husband Needs To Stop Those Online Affairs.
by: Osita

Jackie, you are right to request for prayers for your husband because prayers will take him out of these immoral habits.

Register for the free 'Help Me In Prayer!' from the right side of our website and we'll contact you to start the prayers.

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