My Husband Is Addicted To Porn Groups And Is Cheating.

by Broken hearted

My husband cheated with a woman at his workplace. Since then he has treated me like dirt. He is addicted to porn and is a member on porn /hookup sites.

I have no choice but to file for divorce, he now blames me and says I am the one who wants to ruin our kids lives. He has threatened to take my kids.

Please pray for his evil heart of infidelity. I am a woman with HIGH morals and has always promised him that I would leave him if he cheated. I don't know how to bring myself to lower my standards in order to take him back. He is not sorry for what he has done and it makes it more difficult.

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May 10, 2016
Prayer Changes Immoral Habits In Marriage.
by: Osita

Hi, though your husband is deep into immorality, you also need the grace for humility for your marriage to thrive. In marriage challenges, there is no 'winner' or 'loser' in the end. If it goes wrong, everyone is a loser but when it succeeds, you all become winners.

We can guide you in prayer and counsel to pull your husband out this mess and to conduct your affairs gracefully.

Start by signing on to the free "Help Me In Prayer!" from the right side of our website and I will reach out to you promptly.

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