My Husband Is Going Deeper Into Cheating And Lying About It.

by Mason

I recently found out my husband of 13 years has been having an affair with his co-worker. My husband is 46 and she is 28.

For months he has lied about the nature of their relationship. I noticed a shift in his behavior back in March 2016. I even caught him out with her as I tracked later. They continued their affair and I obtained her phone number and called her directly the early part of November 2016.

She gave me all the details of their affair. He tried to lie but finally confessed. I am devastated! We have two sons; on the outside everything appears perfect. Two professionals with great jobs and dream home etc. But we are two broken people.

We decided that we want to try to give our marriage a go, but I struggle everyday with anger, resentment, and anxiety. Though he has apologized, his actions still aren't aligning as if he is truly remorseful. He told that he had broken it off with her. But just last weekend I found a prescription bottle in our car with her name on it. I called her again and she said that he took her to a doctors appointment and that they had sex again.

Of course this set us back. And now I'm in state or pure panic. We even discussed divorce, but we both said that we would both try again. I need God! I need God to heal us! I need God to give me the ability to forgive and show grace. I feel that there a very dark spirit hovering over us and I want this painful nightmare to end!

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Dec 29, 2017
I Need My Husband To Come Home.
by: Anonymous

Married for 33 years, need prayers for God to heal s. I pray him home.

Jan 27, 2017
How To Stop The Other Woman And Receive Healing For Your Marriage.
by: Osita

Hi, I have received your request for prayer for the change of your husband, and healing of your marriage.

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