My Husband Spends Every Night With The Strange Woman.

by Jackie
(Ohio, USA)

My husband and I drifted apart due to many things. We should have seen we were pushing each other away. I started trying to lighten my load at work to be home more.

We have never had a perfect marriage but we always come through the trials. After his mom passed I had to pay the phone bill and almost every number and call were not to me or anyone we know. Ends up he has been talking to someone he once worked with.

Now four months into this and he is going to see her every night but he does not want to leave and says he cares for me.

I have no where to go and money is a huge problem. I depend on him for more than I could ever manage.

How can I save my marriage? I pray over him at night now. He hates me so bad and I don’t know why. Help me please I do not want a divorce but not sure how long I can live this way.

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May 01, 2018
The Power Of God Is In Every Right Prayer We Make.
by: Osita

There is tremendous power in prayers to turnaround your husband and heal your marriage.
Perhaps, you've not prayed what you should or how you should.

Let me guide you to win back your husband and save your marriage through targeted prayers.
We'll pray with you and counsel you until your succeed.

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