Praying For My Husband To Come Home

by Brenda
(Tennesse, USA)

Danny &I were married in October 21st 1995. We were very happy, both of us had first marriages that had ended in divorce from our spouses committing adultery.

Danny treated me so good, respected me, cherished me and was romantic . We had a strong loving marriage. He always made me feel good about myself after my first husband abused me badly. So He would tell me I was all he ever needed and I bragged on him. But he started going to a lake nearby and a campground where he met many women and secretly started affairs. I found out and told him I loved him and did not want a divorce but I never betrayed him.

He left me in September 2011 and moved in with a very immoral woman. She was a lying, manipulative, sneaky woman that sleeps around with many men.

He said at first he would be home soon within a few months, but it went on and on. He would lie to her that he and I were divorcing when he never asked for divorce . I prayed, I cried, I was devastated.

He even introduced her to my inlaws as his girlfriend whom he would marry some day. This hurt me badly .

He eventually began calling me regularly but hiding it from her. He visited me held me kissed me told me he loved me and called me honey but never told her this but told her he didn't love me.

He was confused and I tried not to pressure him, just pray. Its been over 5 years I love him I want him home. Please help me pray for our marriage restoration.

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Jul 26, 2015
Prayers Will Break That Spirit Of Confusion In Him
by: Osita

I will suggest targeted prayers that dislodge the unclean spirit of confusion, distraction and lust from him. And restoration of your marriage destiny.

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